Contribute to Innerchange's project

This project is in the making and needs your support to keep it going. If you would like to contribute to this project, you can do it here. We offer 2 different safe gateway to make your contribution: PayPay and Donorbox.They both accept all major credit card. You can also do a wire transfert to our bank account.
Thanks for your contribution 🙏



Wire transfert to our bank account

Beneficiary’s account number: IBAN CH89 0900 0000 1227 2682 4

Beneficiary’s name: Donnersens

PostFinance’s BIC (SWIFT code): POFICHBEXXX

Name/address of beneficiary bank: PostFinance Ltd, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern, Switzerland

Mention : Donation to innerchange project

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