
When you can’t let go

From Yves Gertsch

Director's note

This short film was shoot in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, in the Izumrudnoe (Emerald) holiday camp, where the children of Pripyat would spend their summer holidays. It's a place that looks like a Scout Camp, except that it's now abandoned. The music was recorded on the same spot and you can see Michael Gungor singing that song as it was recorded.
I wanted to create a short film that would tell a bit of the story of Bill Pelke where it was so difficult for him to forgive the murderer of his grand-mother. We probably have all experience that feeling that we can't let go of something, that something is taking hold of us.
This short film express that state, here, the actor wants to revisit or enter a place of suffering but he just can't do it. He wants to enter in this house that is filled with memories. Those familiar with the story of Bill Pelke will remember what happened at his grand-mother house.
After a while the actor just fell on his knee and find a way to deal with it, it's not clear how he does it, but there is a ray of hope that comes into the scene.
At the end, the drone goes up the house and we can see that there are many other houses in this place, it speaks for me of the fact that this is a common human experience or that there was and will be more experience like this in the actor's life.

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