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I still have doubt

From Ali Abu Awwad


Every human being deserves to be respected.

Video Interview Transcript

After I lost my brother, I used to sleep and wake up feeling that I wish that I have never existed. I spent sleepless nights struggling between revenge, you know, and reconciliation. And I still by the way. Every day I faced that question: "Am I in the right direction?" And this is what I discovered lately. As long as I'm able to raise these questions, as long as I'm normal, because these questions are part of the process, a process of change. Because when you go to violence you don't question. You decide. I still have doubt, and big doubts of conflict and peace. And maybe this is strange to say, I have to tell you that there is no, there is no 100 percent truth. There is no 100 percent peace. There is no 100 percent happiness. There is always part that you will not feel okay with it. And that's peace. Peace is not, is not even to find the common thing between us. No. Peace is to be able to live with the difference. Peace is to be able to still respect others even if they have bad behaviors because every human being deserves to be respected. So that's peace. But as victims you know on both sides we believe everyone believe that peace is like some kind of a paradise. It's that a paradise. Life is hard. So we have to be aware of that. Yeah, that's why every day I say, whether I judge others, or I say to myself, I'm not doing enough. I know. We need to do that with ourselves.

Discussion starter questions
  • Do you sometimes struggle to know what is right?
  • ...

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Director's note

Ali tells us about his doubts. An intimate interview of what it means to choose peace daily.

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