Holly Roach Knight

Holly Roach Knight

Country: USA
Activity: Activist
Keywords: activism, contemplation, embody, inner, meditation, nonviolence, pain, peace, practices

More than anything I am an activist. I am keenly attuned to power and injustice. I see that conditions of violence to people and Earth cannot continue. So all things that I engage in, have to do with this fundamental need to be a part of solutions that make the world a better place.
I am a writer and a singer. Both are expressions of my voice. I blog occasionally and have at least one book in process. I sing everyday and occasionally show up on a stage, but more often find myself leading groups of people in singing together, one of my very favorite things to do.

I am a practicing contemplative and a daily meditator. I am working to earn two MA degrees in contemplative education at Naropa and social justice community organizing at Prescott College.

Networking and Convening
My absolute favorite thing in life is occasions when I have the privilege of witnessing people, places and things whom I love, encountering one another. This has led me to working in various capacities in life. I love to convene gatherings of amazing people and then sitting back and watching the magic happen!

Meditations inspired by interviews from Holly Roach Knight

Quotes from interviews from Holly Roach Knight

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