That's also how you make better activism, by not just doing what you think is the right thing to do, but doing what other people need. How do you serve peace not because I want to make peace, but because these people need that and how do we help him get that. You know once we start talking about giving each other what each of our communities need and are looking for then we can talk about God giving us the blessing of peace from above. Rabbi Menachem Froman used to always say: "peace is a name of God. And it's a blessing that comes from above. It's the blessing that holds all the other blessings." And you can't make peace. I can't make peace. I can do what it takes that peace can come. I can do what it takes to receive that blessing to make a space that's ready for peace. But peace is between enemies so inherently one side's not in control of the other. So you can't make peace.