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Change your brain, change the world

From Richard Davidson


It's very consistent with the Gandian idea of exemplifying the change you wish to see in the world by working on yourself in a way that promotes those qualities.

Video Interview Transcript

The motto of our center is "Change your mind, change the world or change your brain change the world". And what we mean by that is by initially cultivating these positive qualities we can transform our mind. Through that we can change our brain and through changing our brain in ways that enable enduring positive qualities to occur and to be expressed. The world can change because we can change the world one mind at a time. Hopefully it's not literally one mind at a time. We can change groups of minds at a time but this is how real change can occur. It's very consistent with the Gandian idea of exemplifying the change you wish to see in the world by working on yourself in a way that promotes those qualities. And through the embodiment of those qualities we can set an example for others and we know that one of the most powerful ways to learn these qualities is through social learning and social learning occurs implicitly. So simply being around another person who exhibits these positive qualities who radiate with these positive qualities is an important ingredient in and of itself in promoting this positive change in others.

Discussion starter questions
  • Is there a daily practice that helps you to change your mind or your brain?
  • ...

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Director's note

Richard Davidson explains how change can happen. It's really consistent with the Gandian idea of exemplifying the change you wish to see in the world by working on yourself... and a lot of spiritual traditions that invites us to start the change by ourself.

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