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Change has to be won in the small things

From Ramez Salamé

You will have to win this test to bring change to the world in the very small things you have to do every day, in your family, in your work, in the wider society.

Video Interview Transcript

It's a continuous struggle every day to be up to this task to bring change you know, to our countries, our societies, our world. Very often you will have to win this test or to succeed in this test in the very small things you have to do every day, in your family, in your work, in the wider society. The thing which empowers us to do that for me has been this time of quiet, let's say half an hour or forty-five minutes or even one hour every day, of just going back to myself, to write down you know the thoughts that come to me and especially those thoughts which sometimes are a bit disturbing, you know, like say sorry to that person...

Discussion starter questions
  • What helps you change?
  • ...

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Director's note

Change starts with the little things we do in our closest social circle...

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