
Nonviolence develop a constrast

From Curtiss Paul Deyoung

Video Interview Transcript

This is a conversation about violence versus nonviolence in the work of liberation is an ongoing argument and will be. But we do see where there's violence has been used to fight for liberation, there are consequences for your future society. You saw violence. King was committed partially as was Gandhi to only the use of nonviolence. For King he faced a violent death. He knew that was a reality but he felt that nonviolence in the face of very violent systems developed a contrast. So when he was fighting the racism in the southern United States non-violent responses to violent attacks showed this comparison because you could see what truly was injustice and what in fact it actually exaggerated. It seemed to pull out of the oppressive segregationists in the south even more violence when someone didn't come back in the same method but was nonviolent. And it represented, it certainly for King, his understanding of Jesus Christ. And it was the ultimate model for how his religious faith needed to work around there. So there's tremendous power in nonviolence but it takes a certain kind of commitment and discipline to really exercise.

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