
Opening our hearts to the divine

From Jacques Besson

Video Interview Transcript

But the other way is not to consider only rational voluntary efforts. It's I think it's not useful. I think the best way is grace as you say, is to open your heart, to open your mind and to listen to the divine, the inner voice of the divine inside the persons. We all have access to the divine. It's the spiritual part, non-measurable, non-scientifically evidence based but humanly evidence based. Yeah, you have to feel it. It is part of intuition. I'm a very intuitive person but at the same time a very scientific grounded. I have published more than 300 papers in scientific journals.
But a whole person has to consider all the brain to be happy. You have the left hemisphere to be analytic, rational. You have the right hemisphere to be more aesthetic, sensitive. You have the ground of the brain with emotions in the body. But you have the sky of the brain which is the psychology of the heights which is for transcendence. This is for the divine in the person.

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