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What the use of having peace within oneself?

From Hajiya Binta Bakari


Peace is the key to life.

Video Interview Transcript

If you don't have peace, peace within yourself, how do you give out peace to your loved ones? How do you give love to your community? How do you give love to the society? How do you give your best where you even walk without peace within yourself? So it is very important for every human being to have an eternal peace of mind, to be able to be the person they want to be, to be able to succeed, to be able to achieve.
So peace is something they have to tell yourself. I need peace. Everyone need peace. If you don't have peace and quiet, you go mental. But if you have peace, even if one has a problem, the inner peace that you have heals, the outer problem that you have. So peace must come from within you to be able to give love. Without peace inside you, you cannot see anything positively. So peace is the key to life is the key, as far as I'm concerned, to everything, is peace. So that's my take on it.

Director's note

Hajiya is helping to build and sustain a project that let Christians and Muslims refugees live together in a new safe place. She talks about that inner peace that we can experience in our life.

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