The teaching I received from church cannot go into the Muslim society to talk about interfaith, to talk about real peace, to talk about real love. So I need to change my own thinking. I need to change my own internal person to fit into a place that I want to have fellowship, a relationship with them. Which means you must agree and take a drastic decison to say: "No, the Muslims are not going to hellfire." You must agree to take a drastic decision to say: "No, the Muslims are good people." You are not only seeing the bad aspect of what the individuals are doing, also groups are doing and abuse the whole totality of religion on us. That I think to me is another big sin because you don't have a proof. You don't have a pratical evidence.
So I will not be going around to talk about spreading discord about how bad that religion is and some other people don't know what is Islam at all among the Christians. How can you talk of something that you don't know? How can you talk of something that you are not, that you have never been close to it. I can never tell much about how bad is Islam. I can only tell of how good is Islam. The love which my mother gave me also came from Islam. So I will proclaim on that love and to continue planting on that love.