
People of the Way

From Dave Andrews

Video Interview Transcript

I see these the Beatitudes of Jesus as a ‘Be-Attitude Revolution’ - attitudes that if we adopt, can help us ‘Be’ the change we want to see in the world. I'd love to see churches recite the Beatitudes every week. I'd like to see Christians learn them off by heart. I'd like to see the church deconstructed and reconstructed as a recovery movement where we have ‘Be’ groups that help us deal with socially acceptable addictions - not just ‘AA’ groups that deal with socially unacceptable addictions. And I'd like all people of goodwill, whether Christian or Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist or atheists or agnostics to join together in practicing these Beatitudes as a way of working for change. People often say - ‘What would Jesus do?’ Well, here's the answer to that question. This is the way Jesus called us to act. In fact, the only Christians when called ‘Christians’ at all. They were called ‘People Of The Way’. And this is ‘The Way’ we are called to live... whether we Christians or not

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