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Teach children love and empathy through example

From Hajiya Binta Bakari


We have to show children what love and empathy are all about.

Video Interview Transcript

Children are children. Children are innocent. They use us as a mirror: they take a look at their lives. We as parents, as adults, need to teach this children empathy by showing an example. And that's what children see. You don't teach, practice makes pratice, you have to show them what love and empathy is all about. If they don't experience it, if they don't get it, they can't give it. You can't give what you don't have. So it still, the whole response lies on our shoulder, as parents, as individual, as a community, as a religious leaders, as members of the same religion. To show children what love and empathy is all about, you have to practice it, you have to give it. If you don't give a child an education, you don't expect him to behave like an educated person. It's the same thing.

Discussion starter questions
  • Maybe today, you could see how you can set an example with a little thing that you do
  • ...

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Director's note

A pratical teaching from Nigeria about what neuroscientist call mirror neurones: people mirror what we do. Why would that be any different for children when they see us?

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