
Framing Spirituality and Reframing Politics

From Dave Andrews

Video Interview Transcript

The belief that God is bigger than my tradition and to be open to that which is of God in every religion, just opens me to the possibility of engaging truth in a way that I had never expected to engage in before. And ... certainly ... I really think that the Bismillah is a way of framing spirituality and reframing politics, that could be profoundly transformative. My Muslim friends say that maybe that phrase at the beginning of each Sura Is not there just as an evocation of God, but a key to interpreting the text. In other words that we should then interpret the text in the light of the mercy and grace of God and any interpretation that does not reflect God's mercy Grace is not of God. And I think that that is of extraordinary significance. This can reframe the way we engage our sacred texts and this has really important personal and political implications

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